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Cardinal Griffin

CGCC Parent Council

Parent Council Purpose

The primary purpose of the Parent Council is to enable interested parties to discuss current school issues. The items for discussion can be raised by any member of the council, including suggestions collected by council members from other parents. It is hoped that the Parent Council will evolve with the school community.

CGCC Parent Council Terms of Reference

Parent Council Benefits

A Parent Council will provide the following benefits to the school community it serves.

Benefits for the children 

  • Children behave better and achieve more when their parents are involved in their education.
  • Their parents will receive advice and information about how to support their learning.
  • Their concerns can be resolved more quickly when their parents have a positive relationship with school staff.

Benefits for the parents 

  • Parents have a forum where they can come together, share ideas and put forward their views to the Headteacher/Deputy Headteacher and Governing Body representatives of their school.
  • Their active involvement in decision-making is increased, fostering a culture of ownership and participation – however, this needs to be distinguished clearly from governance of the school.
  • They have more information about their children's education and the quality of that education.
  • Parent Councils can break down barriers, perceived or actual, between the school and parents who are less involved in the school.
  • Parent Councils can improve working relationships between the school and parents who are already involved in the school.

Benefits for the school 

  • Schools are able to develop a better understanding of the views and needs of parents and how they might address them.
  • Parents contribute time, ideas and skills which complement the ideas, skills and expertise of staff and Governors.
  • Parent Councils enable the school to keep parents informed and allow them to be part of decision-making processes.
  • Parents become involved in all aspects of school life. 
    Schools can demonstrate how they listen to, and act on, parents‟ views in relation to the new duty to have regard to the views of parents under the Education and Inspection Act 2006.
  • Schools are able to provide details of their Parent Council in the section of the Ofsted Self Evaluation Form (SEF) relating to parental involvement.
  • Parent Councils provide a clear route for parents as a group (rather than as individuals) to feed back to the school and Governing Body.
  • They can reach out to parents who are currently less engaged or not at all engaged with the school and overcome some of the barriers which prevent parents from engaging with the school.

Agendas and Minutes of Meetings

Parental Council Minutes 3 21_06_23

Parental Council Meeting 1 Minutes 13_3_23

Parental Council Meeting 2 Minutes 15_5_23